Haron Robson were recently profiled in a Sydney Morning Herarld Commercial Property article. See below for an excerpt from the article.

Landlords watch the watts
Carolyn Cummins Commercial Property Editor
December 4, 2010

The project is in the second phase of a multiyear study initiated in 2009 by CB Richard Ellis and the University of San Diego's Burnham-Moores Centre for Real Estate.

Locally, ING Real Estate Investment Management, which manages the ING Office Fund that owns the under-renovation 10 Bond Street, Sydney, has reviewed energy use across its portfolio with a view to minimising it to optimal use and cost.

ING has appointed lighting and sustainability specialist Haron Robson to review its car park's energy use and design energy-saving lighting solutions. The managing director of Haron Robson, Glen Haron, said landlords paying for extensive maintenance programs should consider energy as part of it. ''Often it costs no more to replace an inefficient piece of electrical equipment with an efficient version,'' he said. '
To read the full article, click here.

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